A Holistic Approach To A New You!
A Holistic Approach To A New You!
The word "healthy" means different things to different people. As a naturopathic practitioner, I approach health uniquely, prioritizing simplicity and individualized care over complex protocols.
I believe that every patient is a whole person with unique lifestyles, habits, and readiness for change. Here’s how I support your journey:
Let’s work together to simplify your journey to health and well-being!
Below you will find a few items I have personally used to understand my personal needs! Below you can take the FREE ASSESSMENT by clicking the Take Free Assessment Button!
Being healthy is like this rock structure... It's all about BALANCE!
Understanding what your labs are telling you is empowering! The problem with labs is most doctors are only looking for markers that are out of range to the point of medicating or surgery! I inform and teach you what your labs are actually telling you about the state of health your body is currently in!
For many this approach is all they need! Using the highest grade ingredients to support many health concerns in a simply easy to use AM and PM tear packs that come with your name and what is in each pack!
Simplicity, quality and compliance is extremely important to achieving and maintaining optimal health! You can take a Free Health Assessment to see what you should be focused on for your nutritional needs!
This system will cross-reference your Medications, Diagnoses, Conditions, Habits, Lifestyle, Family History, DNA and more to give you a one of a kind supplements AM and PM nutritional supplementation program!
Each recommendation is supportive with 3rd party, double-blind pear review studies that you can copy and paste into your browser to see the actual pub-med, New England journal of medicine... You may be surprised at what will be blocked due to a contraindication! You can see this in the additional supplements at the bottom of your review! Click on it and see why it is being blocked! You can also remove or add any of the suggested recommendations from you AM and PM safe recommendations! Just click to remove or add based on the reason YOU need it!
Click on the link below! This will take you to a website for Dr. Angela to take your free assessment! Once there, click Personalized Vitamins to begin! Please call our office at 608-630-8804 or email Dr. Angela at: DrAngelaRahm@gmail.com
You can get a stand alone MTHFR test or for a little bit more you can get a genetic test that will give you important information regardig the things that matter in how you live your day to day life! Understand how your body is designed to operate so you can get the results you want!
Before you spend money on a fitness trainer, gym memberships or fill your spare bedroom with equipment watch a couple of these short videos! You will learn about one of the greatest tools you can have to get the results you desire! This is your operational manual! This is what I found out about the way my body stores fat and the importance of exercise and diet!
Do you know how your muscles twitch? You have probably never heard this term before! Well... This is about what I learned about what exercise is best for me!
So many people think they are doing the right things for their health and fitness goals. The truth is most Americans are working harder than they need to in order to be healthy and look great.
Now you can simplify the entire process by finding out what your genes say about you. You can now find out exatly what is best for you in regards to nutrition, exercise, carbohydrates, protein, fats, vitamins and so much more! A quick and easy cheek swab and you are on your way to knowing important information about YOU!
Stop Guessing about your fitness, diet and nutritional needs! Use your own genetics to figure out exactly what you should do! A complete 42 page report and videos so you know exactly how to put your results into action!
Genetic testing is one of the most interesting test we do. Understanding how your body is designed to work can answer many questions why you may be struggling with your weight, physical abilities and overall health.
We test 28 genes that will shed light on why you aren’t getting the results you feel you should be, despite a healthy lifestyle. Many are surprised to learn how their genes are designed to express and what you can do to help negative gene polymorphisms express positive and have positive polymorphisms continue to express positively. With this knowledge, you can tweak certain areas of their lifestyle, habits and nutrition to reflect how their God given code is designed to express so that you can achieve optimal health!
Micronutrient test provides the most comprehensive nutritional analysis available by measuring functional deficiencies at the cellular level. It is an assessment of how well the body utilizes 31 vitamins, minerals, amino/fatty acids, antioxidants, and metabolites, while conveying the body’s need for these micronutrients that enable the body to produce enzymes, hormones, and other substances essential for proper growth, development, and good health. Repletion recommendations are made based on need.
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